Friday, July 9, 2010

Jump Start to Kindergarten

This summer we signed Wyatt up for the month long summer school program for a few reasons. Wyatt has basically grown up at the building-working alongside mom & Grandma on a daily basis, chatting with the mailman, having a crush on a certain tenant in the Lofts, following Grandpa around wherever he could, etc. Most of his social interaction with kids his age happens at church once a week. He has been so anxious to turn 5 since that is when he knows he'll get to go to school, he was thrilled that he would be able to go while he was still 4. We knew he would love it. This is a picture of him on the 1st day of summer school. He was so excited and cooperative when he woke up. I wish I had a picture of him on the 2nd day, because he was the complete opposite! Fits, tears, refusal.... I think the little guy was in shock of getting up so early. School started at 7:30am, so this was a big adjustment for him.
Patrick would take him to school on his way to work and I'd pick him up at Noon. He showed his independence quickly by not allowing Daddy to walk him into the school after the first week- His teacher, Mrs. Pyle was as nice as could be and he really enjoyed making friends. He learned that pictures of people should have the head on top of a body, not just a head sitting on top of legs. He learned that it was ok to use a color other than blue all the time (for weeks, everything he drew was in blue) and I think he drew a picture of a blue lion everyday. He learned songs like Jack & Jill and This Land is Your Land. He had his birthday during summer school and brought cupcakes to the class. Summer school is over now, but Aug will be here before I know it, and Wyatt will be off to Kindergarten. I know Grandma and I will miss him when he's not at work with us anymore....

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